Kids Fitness and the Brain
Kids can learn just about anything and exercising their brain often can help. Like other parts of your body, your brain is an organ that needs to be exercised regularly for good health. Studies show that a child's brain can be stimulated listening to a parent's reading as early as while
inside their mothers' womb.
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Ask your child questions about what they think that you are reading about. Ask them to describe what you are reading so that they can build mental pictures. Many schools expect children to be reading independently for 30 minutes, three or more days a week by 2nd grade.
Minimize Distractions
Whenever possible, turn off the television and offer a book. Make book time fun by visiting the local library or a book store and have them choose a few without your input. Even if a book has more pictures then words, don't be discouraged with their attitude toward books. It's all about the creativity that you are sparking in them that a TV show or video game wouldn't.
Encourage Individuality
All too often, kids are subjected to some inclinations by others that they should be something they are not. Keep your child's confidence levels high by appreciating their unique interests. Let them know it's okay to use their new found powers of reading to learn more about what excites them! This is a great way to bond as well as opportunities for you to share your wisdom with their growing minds.
Include the Family
Remember to include the littlest ones if you have any. This can be a great example to set for a little brother or sister as they look on with their ever curious eyes. Seeing Mom and Dad spending this special time with their sibling can be a great motivator for like-behavior from them as well! Not to mention, it feels good to have close and heartfelt moments with your loved ones.
As parents we strive to offer our children a strong sense of self. When you start a habit of reading with your children, they start to look forward to this type of true, quality time together with you. It's important for you to maintain a steady schedule of reading together with your kids in order to
keep their minds active and healthy.
Lastly, remember to praise your little learner after a good read! Nothing makes a kid happier than to know he or she is pleasing Mommy or Daddy!